Organisational Development
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Organisational Development
Over de strategie is vaak goed nagedacht: waar willen we uit komen?
Maar is er ook nagedacht over de tactiek:
- Which force fields are we going to encounter?
- How are we going to position ourselves once we’ve encountered them?
- What qualities do we need for this?
De ‘tactische kanten’ van veranderen, zowel wat betreft de inzichten en als de juiste interventies, dáár kan ik toegevoegde waarde voor je hebben.
“Over a quarter of a century, Ben has successfully supported various organisational development processes with me. With a huge amount of energy, professionalism, involvement and dynamics, he brought out the best in people and had them experience that they can usually handle and do more than they think. Trust and integrity are important characteristics when it comes to Ben. The mirror he presented me with made me more aware of the effect of my leadership.”