
Doelgerichtheid & planning


As a mountaineer, changing without a purpose doesn’t do the trick for me. I set clear goals, the journey is only a means to reach that one summit or unique place. Why waste time when the goal is so clear? How do I get to where I want to be as quickly as possible? Decision-making that involves all sorts of people takes too long and prevents us from taking action. I want to go to the top and people who don’t want to go there are not obliged to go with me. It is great that others have ideas about the future or how it should pan out. But, as a mountaineer, I’m not interested in fellow travellers who don’t go all-in like I do. 

‘’Thinking before acting’’ is a little more important than the mountaineer wants to admit. Good planning is often a prerequisite for achieving a goal. In addition: you have a clear picture of your goal, but is that also a rewarding perspective for the other travellers? We teach mountaineers to bond with planners and dreamers in order to reach that summit together.


Traveller or tourist?

What kind of traveller are you?


As an adventurer, I am eager to discover new destinations. I can think outside the box and love to go where no one has gone before.

Group traveller

I like to travel in the company of people with whom I can share my experiences. Also, I am truly interested in the experience of my travel companions.

Cultural traveller

Superficial visits don’t do the trick for me. Before going somewhere, I want to take a deep dive into my destination.

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